Recurring payments
This tab allows the recording of Recurring payments to a rental property. Existing recurring payments will be listed showing the Description, Enable and Frequency, then clickable options are View Details and Delete.
Create recurring payment - this button allows a new recurring repair to be created
Reload payments - by pressing this, existing payments will be reloaded (if you suspect a work colleague has created a repair)
Delete - this link will allow you to delete a payment, by using this option, once deleted, the payment cannot be restored, you will have to create a new payment.
Create recurring payment - a pop up form will appear and you will be asked the following:
Enabled - if this is not ticked, you can create a payment but it will be ignored when creating recurring payments.
Details of recurring payment - a description of the payment being created (for example: Window Cleaning). This is a required field.
Recurring amount - how much the tenant is being charged.
Frequency period - how often the tenant will be charged - Weekly / Monthly. Currently only Monthly is available.
Day of payment - If weekly then - Sunday - Saturday, if monthly - 1-28.
Subject to VAT - whether the tenant is being charged VAT on the recurring amount.
Save - Saves a new payment or updates and existing payment.
Cancel - Closes this form without any information being created or updated.
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